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Problem: PHP warning messages when visiting the 404 error page in sh404sef

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /components/com_content/helpers/route.php on line 106
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /components/com_content/helpers/route.php on line 106
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /components/com_content/helpers/route.php on line 106

Bad karma : we can't find that page !

You asked for http://www.yoursite.com/page_name/, but despite our computers looking very hard, we could not find it. What happened ?

Background: While researching some Joomla extensions for a client project, I decided to create a comparison table to help the client decide which Joomla extensions to use for a particular application.  In this case, we needed to build some sort of a download manager.  After narrowing the choices down to 2, K2: a CCK (Content Construction Kit) and DocMan: an actual Download Manager.

While Docman is built primarily for downloads and file management, a CCK presented a viable option as it offers better control over the style and presentation of the content.

One of the great uses that K2 (Joomla Component) claims that their system can do is act as a download manager.  However, it does not have the ability to restrict downloads to only logged-in users.  I needed a system where we could display the K2 item, with a preview and description, but not actually let them download the attachments.  This was not achievable using just the included K2 parameters / settings, so I made this hack:

In passing, I frequently discuss business ventures and startups with clients and prospects. I'm a fan of entrepreneurship in general, and I've been thinking of writing this post for a while now.  My intention is to share my methods and provide suggestions to those who are looking to start their own business.

I've made a list of 7 things that every business should have: Logo Design, Business Cards, Fictitious Name / Registration, Incorporation, Business Checking, Accounting Software, and Business Liability Insurance.

Read on...

Need to update your HOSTS file to point a domain to a different IP address?  Below are instructions for both PC (Windows 7) and Mac (OS X Snow Leopard) platforms.

I've built many custom Joomla templates for clients over the years, both from existing sites (e.g. not yet a Joomla site) as well as from PSD's or other artwork files.  I decided to put this download together as a contribution to the open-source community, hopefully someone else will be able to make use of it.

I've put this video together to showcase some of the newest and greatest features of K2, a popular extension for Joomla CMS.  If you already have a Joomla site, watch this video to see how easy the K2 framework can make it for you to work with images, galleries, videos, custom fields, and attachments.

If you don't already have a Joomla site, you're really missing out! :-)

I recently built a "Make a Payment" form for my clients using the RSForm Joomla extension and a little custom scripting.

[R.I.P. Chase Covington 8/31/2009 - 4/21/2018]

We're on the move!  Please welcome Chase as the newest member of the C2 team.  Chase's primary responsibilities include security & patrolling, landscaping, and customer service.

Chase is a rescue we adopted from PetFinder:

  • German Shepherd
  • Norwegian Elkhound

I've used both JoomlaPack (AkeebaBackup it's now called) and Xcloner.  JoomlaPack (Akeeba) is free, so you can't knock the price.  It also has the ability to include an installer for loading the site onto the destination server, nice.  I've used it many times.

However, my preference is Xcloner.  It's a little more "programmer oriented," so its interface is s a little simpler and quicker, in my opinion.  (Maybe that's just because I started with Xcloner.)  Also, instead of a clunky installer package, Xcloner gives you a "restore" feature consisting of 2 files:


To restore, just include your Xcloner backup file alongside these "restore" files in your public directory, and point the browser to the "xcloner.php" file.  It will ask you for database / ftp information, unzip the file, import the database, and adjust configuration.php accordingly.  It also gives you the ability to extract the files directly (via PHP), or via FTP, depending on your server's particulars.

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Got a similar email that seemed suspicious. Ignored it and they even followed up today.
My organization received one of these emails from "Linda," but uses https://www.bestprosintown.com/p...
Hi Nate, I got the same email template from the same email address today and found you through a ...
Just received one today (16 Aug 2022) from "Mailchimp". Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting this. I just got one today. I was 99% sure it was a scam, and your post confirmed...

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